Upcoming Meeting: Wednesday 12/3

NRVTU Members & Friends,

Please join us for our chapter meeting this week. Our December Chapter Meeting will be held Wednesday, December 3rd at 7pm at the Montgomery County Government Center in Christiansburg. We will have a pre-meeting meal at Due South BBQ at 6:00pm.

Bring your vise for a tying session! Garrett will also demonstrate how to tie his favorite rabbit streamer for bass as well as Russ Madden’s Circus Peanut for bass and big trout so if you have any extra lead eyes, chenille, schlappen, rubber legs, or rabbit in your favorite colors feel free to bring them along as well.

In addition to tying flies we will be discussing general chapter business including progress on the chapter’s response to the recently proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline.

NRVTU Chapter President

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Fly Tying Sunday

Lynn Hayes will be hosting fly tying at his place on Sunday, March 11th at 1:00pm. Please shoot him an email at lehfish@yahoo.com if you’re planning to come so that he can plan accordingly. Lynn lives 2 miles past the Pembroke bridge on Mountain Laurel Ln., brick house. The goal is to have as many members as possible show up and donate a portion of the flies they tie for the Spring Thaw Out banquet. We’ll be using these flies as part of the gifts/prizes for attendees, so this is a great way to support our fundraising efforts. Bring your own tools and supplies.

Contact Lynn if you need directions or have any questions.

Tying the Mega Prince

If you ever take a fishing trip out to Oregon, this fly catches fish all over the state, any time of year, on any stream. I’ve been experimenting out here with it and have some good results lately. I like it in a size 8 or 10 as the top fly on a 2-nymph rig. I also change it up with a rainbow bead and with various ice dub colors, although peacock never fails. It’s pretty much just an oversized prince nymph with rubber legs all over the place…but all the motion they create drives fish crazy. For even more action go with white rubber legs instead of goose biots on top. Give it a try. Thanks to the guys at The Caddis Fly in Eugene, OR for the video.